Controlling the ZOIA and Euroburo via MIDI CC (Control Change) Values

March 19 2025

You can change the bypass state, and simulate a number of different user interactions using MIDI CC messages on the MIDI channel selected in the Config Menu. See table below

Action MIDI CC message MIDI CC value
Engage or Bypass pedal 60 Bypass: 0
Toggle: 64
Engage: 127
Button, Stompswitch, Rotary Switch press 61 Buttons:
Grid: 0-39
Page Left: 40
Page Right: 41
Back: 42
Shift: 43
Euroburo Pushbuttons: 44-45
Euroburo CV Inputs: 46-49
Euroburo CV Outputs: 50-53
Euroburo Audio Inputs: 54-55
Euroburo Audio Outputs: 56-57
Euroburo Headphone: 58
Right Stompswitch: 124
Middle Stompswitch: 125
Left Stompswitch: 126
Rotary Switch: 127
Button, Stompswitch, Rotary Switch release 62 Same as above
Rotary turn 63 value - 64 = Number of turns
(positive clockwise, negative counter-clockwise)
Example: 65 = one clockwise turn, 63 = one counterclockwise turn