Finding a Power Supply
We live in a time when there are quality power supplies at every price point–whatever your need, you can likely find something that fits your budget.
But what if you don’t know what you need?
Well, finding the right power supply for your Empress (or any) pedal comes down to three basic things:
Polarity, Voltage & Current
Getting the right power supply starts with polarity. Most (but not all!) pedals use negative-tip power supplies. We’re one of the few industries that do, which is super fun for us! You can verify the polarity of your pedal and power supply by looking for these symbols:

Regardless of the polarity, you need to make sure the power supply matches your pedal!
Next, we have to deal with voltage. Make sure your power supply voltage matches what the pedal requires; in this case, we’re looking at the ParaEQ MKII Deluxe, which needs 9 Volts.

Most Empress pedals regulate the voltage internally for increased headroom and to reduce the noise floor. 12V or 18V power supplies won't increase headroom, since we've already done that for you!
Lastly, we have to meet current requirements. Current will likely be marked on your pedal as A for amps (or mA for milliamps). You need a power supply that supplies at least as many amps as what the pedal requires.
Exceeding current requirements is absolutely okay for the health of your pedal! Not providing enough current, though, can either cause your pedal malfunction, or not turn on at all.
Just want a power supply that you know works with your Empress pedals?